Danton značenje | engleski leksikon

Danton značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / dæntən /

(1759-1794) French revolutionary. Originally a lawyer, during the early years of the Revolution he was one of the most influential people in Paris. He organized the uprising 10 Aug 1792 that overthrew Louis XVI and the monarchy, roused the country to expel the Prussian invaders, and in April 1793 formed the revolutionary tribunal and the Committee of Public Safety, of which he was the leader until July of that year.
Thereafter he lost power to the Jacobins, and, when he attempted to recover it, was arrested and guillotined.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja