Arminius značenje | engleski leksikon

Arminius značenje | engleski leksikon


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Latinized name of Jakob Harmensen (1560-1609)
Dutch Protestant priest who founded Arminianism, a school of Christian theology opposed to John Calvin's doctrine of predestination. His views were developed by Simon Episcopius (1583–1643). Arminianism is the basis of Wesleyan Methodism.

Arminius značenje | engleski leksikon


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German hero; leader at the battle of Teutoburger Wald in 9 AD (circa 18 BC - 19 AD); Also called: Armin, Hermann.
(17 B
C-19 AD)
German chieftain. An ex-soldier of the Roman army, he annihilated a Roman force led by Varus in the Teutoburger Forest area AD 9, and saved Germany from becoming a Roman province. He was later treacherously killed by some of his kinsmen.

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