Alexander III značenje | engleski leksikon

Alexander III značenje | engleski leksikon

Alexander III

muški rodlično ime
IPA: / ˌæləgˈzændər θriː /

(Orlando Barninelli) (died 1181) Pope 1159–81. His authority was opposed by Frederick I Barbarossa, but Alexander eventually compelled him to render homage 1178. He supported Henry II of England in his invasion of Ireland, but imposed penance on him after the murder of Thomas ŕ Becket.(1845-1894)
Tsar from 1881, when he succeeded his father, Alexander II. He pursued a reactionary policy, promoting Russification and persecuting the Jews. He married Dagmar (1847–1928), daughter of Christian IX of Denmark and sister of Queen Alexandra of Britain, 1866.(1241-1285)
King of Scotland from 1249, son of Alexander II. In 1263, by military defeat of Norwegian forces, he extended his authority over the Western Isles, which had been dependent on Norway. He strengthened the power of the central Scottish government.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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