Adler značenje | engleski leksikon

Adler značenje | engleski leksikon


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Felix 1851-1933 American educator and reformer.

Adler značenje | engleski leksikon


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(1914-) US musician. He was a virtuoso performer on the harmonica. He commissioned the English composer Vaughan Williams’ Romanza in D flat 1951.

Adler značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / ædlər /

Mortimer Jerome 1902-2001 American philosopher

Adler značenje | engleski leksikon


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(1863-1940) US educator and public figure. In 1892 he was appointed curator at the Smithsonian Institution and later served as its librarian and assistant secretary. From 1908 until his death, he was president of Dropsie College and a leader of the American Jewish Committee.
His appeal for protection of the rights of religious ethnic minorities was adopted in the final text of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I.
Born in Van Buren, Arkansas, Adler studied Semitic languages at the University of Pennsylvania and at Johns Hopkins University, where he received a PhD 1887.

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Adler značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / ædlər /

(1870-1937) Austrian psychologist who saw the “will to power” as more influential in accounting for human behavior than the sexual drive. A dispute over this theory led to the dissolution of his ten-year collaboration with psychiatry’s founder Sigmund Freud. The concepts of inferiority complex and overcompensation originated with Adler.
Born and trained in Vienna, Adler was a general practitioner and nerve specialist there 1897–1927. By 1902 he had made contact with Freud. He played a major part in the development of the psychoanalytical
movement, and was president of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society. But by 1907 he had shifted his theory away from Freud's emphasis on infantile sexuality toward power as the origin of neuroses; in 1911 Adler, and a number of others, left the Freudian circle and founded the Individual Psychology Movement. He moved to the US 1935.
Adler held that much neurotic behavior is a result of feelings of inadequacy or inferiority caused by, for instance, being the youngest in a family or being a child who is trying to compete in an adult world. In an attempt to overcome these feelings the patient overcompensates, often at the expense of normal social behavior or, as Adler put it, “social interest”. Adler’s belief led on to his idea that a person can realize this ambition alone, which affects the way in which a psychiatrist helps a patient. Although his psychology made good sense, it lacked adequate definition and rigor of method.
Adler’s works include Organic Inferiority and Psychic Compensation 1907, Understanding Human Nature 1927, and Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology 1927.

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