Rubik značenje | engleski leksikon

Rubik značenje | engleski leksikon


muški rodlično ime
IPA: / ruːbɪk /

(1944-) Hungarian architect who invented the Rubik cube, a multicolored puzzle that can be manipulated and rearranged in only one correct way, but about 43 trillion wrong ones. Intended to help his students understand three-dimensional design, it became a fad that swept around the world.

Još sličnih reči

rabic | Rabuka | RBAC | RBC | rebec | rebeck | rebek | rebuke | reebok | reebuck | ribbok | Riebeck | roebuck | rooibok

Reč dana 27.07.2024.

imenica, matematika
ženski rod, mitologija
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mineral