Hutu značenje | engleski leksikon

Hutu značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / huːtuː /

Množina: Hutus


Member of the majority ethnic group of both Burundi and Rwanda, numbering around 9,500,000. The Hutu tend to live as peasant farmers. Traditionally they have been dominated by the Tutsi minority; there is a long history of violent conflict between the two groups. The Hutu language belongs to the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo family.


Još sličnih reči

Hadow | haet | Haida | Haiti | hat | Hatay | hate | haut | haute | Hayti | he'd | head | heady | heat | heed | Heidi | het | heyday | Heyday! | hid | hide | hied | hit | hod | hoed | Hohhot | hood | hoodie | hoodoo | hoot | Hoot! | hot | Hotei | hottie | how-to | howdah | Howdy! | Hoyt | HUD | hued | hut | Hut! | Hutto

Reč dana 27.07.2024.

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