.gov značenje | engleski leksikon

.gov značenje | engleski leksikon



In the Internet’s Domain Name System, the top-level domain that identifies addresses operated by government agencies. The domain name .gov appears as a suffix at the end of the address. In the United States, only nonmilitary federal government agencies may use the .gov domain. State governments in the United States use the top-level domain of .state.us, with .us preceded by the two-letter abbreviation for the state, or just .us; other regional governments in the United States are registered under the .us domain. See also DNS (definition 1), domain (definition 3), .state.us, .us. Compare .com, .edu, .mil, .net, .org.

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.gov | gaff | gaffe | Gavia | go off | Goff | goof | goofy | Gove | GPH | guava | guff | guffaw

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