Früchte der zur Fam. der Rosengewächse gehörigen Obstarten, z.B. Quitte, Apfel, Birne; das Fruchtfleisch entstammt v. a. der Blütenachse; die verwachsenen Fruchtblätter bilden meist ein pergamentartiges Kerngehäuse, das die Samen (Kerne) enthält.
ETYM Latin pomum a fruit: cf. French pomme apple. Related to Pomade.
A fleshy fruit (apple or pear or related fruits) having seed chambers and an outer fleshy part; SYN. false fruit.
Type of pseudocarp, or false fruit, typical of certain plants belonging to the Rosaceae family. The outer skin and fleshy tissues are developed from the receptacle (the enlarged end of the flower stalk) after fertilization, and the five carpels (the true fruit) form the pome's core, which surrounds the seeds. Examples of pomes are apples, pears, and quinces.