symbole prevod sa francuskog na engleski

symbole | francusko - engleski prevod


muški rod

1. Signe.
2. Emblème.
3. Attribut.
4. Représentation.

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srpski · nemački



ETYM French emblčme, Latin emblema, -atis, that which is put in or on, inlaid work. Related to In, and Parable.
1. A visible symbol of an abstract idea.
2. Special design or visual object r
epresenting a quality, type, group, etc.
Any visible symbol; a moral maxim expressed pictorially with an explanatory epigram. Books of emblems were popular in Renaissance Europe. The first emblem book was by Andrea Alciati of Milan; first printed in Augsburg 1531, it had some 175 editions in several languages. In England Emblems 1635, a religious work, was compiled by Francis Quarles (1592–1644).
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1. A motion or gesture by which a thought is expressed or a command or wish made known; signal; a fundamental linguistic unit that designates an object or relation or has a purely syntactic function; one of a set of gestures used to represent language; also; sign language
2. A mark having a conventional meaning and used in place of words or to represent
a complex notion
3. One of the 12 divisions of the zodiac
4. A character (as a flat or sharp) used in musical notation; segno; a character indicating a mathematical operation; also; one of two characters + and - that form part of the symbol of a number and characterize it as positive or negative
5. A display (as a lettered board or a configuration of neon tubing) used to identify or advertise a place of business or a product; a posted command, warning, or direction; signboard
6. Something material or external that stands for or signifies something spiritual; something indicating the presence or existence of something else; presage, portent; an objective evidence of plant or animal disease
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augury · foretoken · house · mansion · mark · planetary hous · polarity · preindication · sign of the zodiac · signal · signaling · signboard · star sign + prikaži više



ETYM Latin symbolus, symbolum, Greek symbolon a sign by which one knows or infers a thing: from Greek, to throw or put together, to compare; syn with + ballein to throw: cf. French symbole. Related to Emblem, Parable.
(Homonym: cymbal).
In general, something that stands for something else. A s
ymbol may be an esthetic device or a sign used to convey information visually, thus saving time, eliminating language barriers, or overcoming illiteracy.
Symbols are used in art, mathematics, music, and literature; for practical use in science and medicine; for road signs; and as warnings—for example, a skull and crossbones to indicate dangerous contents.
1. An arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance.
2. Something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; SYN. symbolization, symbolizing, standing for.
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ETYM Old Eng. token, taken, as. tâcen.
1. A metal or plastic disk that can be used (as a substitute for coins) in slot machines.
2. An individual instance of a type of symbol; SYN. item.

item · keepsake · relic · souvenir

Reč dana 25.01.2025.

glagol, računari
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