Oiseau chanteur.
ETYM Old Eng. nihtegale,nightingale, as. nihtegale; niht night + galan to sing, akin to Eng. yell; cf. Dutch nachtegaal, os. nahtigala, Old High Germ. nahtigala, German nachtigall, Swed. näktergal, Dan. nattergal. Related to Night, and Yell.
Songbird of the thrush family with a song of great beauty, heard at night as well as by day. About 16.5 cm/6.5 in long, it is dull brown, lighter below, with a reddish brown tail. It migrates to Europe and winters in Africa. It feeds on insects and small animals. It has a huge musical repertoire, built from about 900 melodic elements.
European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song; SYN. Luscinia megarhynchos. night-ingale.
1. (Familier) Crochet de cambrioleur.
2. (Familier) Laissé-pour-compte. Écouler des rossignols.