1. Sage.
2. Sensé.
3. Modéré.
1. Having the power to influence or convince; SYN. potent, powerful.
2. Powerfully persuasive; SYN. telling, weighty.
3. Convincing; compelling; compelling; forceful; convincing.
ETYM Irregularly formed from conscience.
Acceptable to one's conscience.
ETYM Cf. French logique, Latin logicus, Greek logikos.
1. Based on known statements or events or conditions.
2. Capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning.
ETYM Latin rationalis: cf. French rationnel. Related to Ratio, Reason, Rationale.
1. Having its source in or being guided by the intellect (distinguished from experience or emotion).
2. Consistent with or based on or using reason.
3. (Math) Capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers.
ETYM Old Eng. resonable, French raisonnable, from Latin rationabilis. Related to Reason.
1. Marked by sound judgment; SYN. sane.
2. Showing reason or sound judgment; SYN. sensible.
ETYM Latin sanus. Related to Sound.
(Homonym: seine).
Mentally healthy; free from mental disorder.