lobby prevod sa francuskog na engleski

lobby | francusko - engleski prevod


muški rod

Groupe de pression.

coterie · groupe
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srpski · nemački



ETYM Late Lat. lobium, lobia, laubia, a covered portico fit for walking, from Old High Germ. louba, German laube, arbor. Related to Lodge.
1. An entry hall or antechamber. SYN. antechamber.
2. A reception area in a hotel or
restaurant, usually with comfortable seating for those awaiting service. SYN. antechamber.
3. A group of people who try actively to influence legislation; SYN. pressure group, third house.
Individual or pressure group that sets out to influence government action. The lobby is prevalent in the us, where the term originated in the 1830s from the practice of those wishing to influence state policy waiting for elected representatives in the lobby of the Capitol.
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antechamber · anteroom · entrance hall · foyer · hall · pressure group · third house · vestibul + prikaži više

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labo | lob | lobe | lubie

Reč dana 08.02.2025.

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muški rod, geografija
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