ETYM Latin vulgaris, from vulgus the multitude, the common people; of uncertain origin: cf. French vulgaire. Related to Divulge.
1. Of or pertaining to the mass, or multitude, of people; common; general; ordinary; public; hence, in general use; vernacular.
2. Belonging or relating to the common people, as distinguished from the cultivated or educated; pertaining to common life; plebeian; not select or distinguished.
3. Lacking cultivation or refinement; rustic; boorish; also, offensive to good taste or refined feelings; low; coarse; mean; base.
Prost, surov, neotesan, sirov, nesavitljiv (u obradi) nedorađen, težak, nemilosrdan (nem.)
Osoran, nabusit.
Prost, grub, nepristojan, nizak, svakidašnji, običan (lat.)