ETYM Old Eng. strope, as. stropp, Latin stroppus, struppus, perhaps from Greek, a band or cord, from trepein to twist, to turn (cf. Strophe). Related to Strop a strap, a piece of rope.
1. A band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag; SYN. shoulder strap.
2. A loop of leather suspended from the ceiling of bus or train; passengers hold onto it.
3. A strip of leather used in flogging.
4. An elongated piece of leather (or similar material) for binding things together or holding something in position.
Naramenica na kojoj stoji znak oficirskog čina; dobiti epolete, dobiti oficirski čin, postati oficir; izgubiti epolete, prestati biti oficir, biti lišen oficirskog čina.
Remen, opasač.
Pantljika, vrpca.
1. To secure with a strap; of sprained joints.
2. To sharpen with a strap
3. To tie with a strap.