ETYM Latin, a mark, a brand, from Greek stigma the prick or mark of a pointed instrument, a spot, mark. Related to Stick.
1. A skin lesion that is a diagnostic sign of some disease.
2. An external tracheal aperture in a terrestrial arthropod.
3. Mark; spot; stain; disgrace; mark representing wound of Christ; Botany, part of pistil, especially end of style, on which pollen germinates.
Moralna mrlja, sramotno obeležje, bruka, sramota.
Bruka, skandal, stid, sram.
Bod, ubod, tačka, mrlja; bot. žig na tučku cveta; zool. spoljni otvor traheje (dušnjaka) kod zglavkara, disaona oduška; ožiljak, opekotina; žig, znamenje srama koje su stari Grci i Rimljani udarali zločincima i odbeglim robovima; fig. sram, stid; pl. stigmata.
Pečat, štembilj (obično suvi pečat na novčanim i drugim dokumentima).
Oznaka, beleg.
In a flower, the surface at the tip of a carpel that receives the pollen. It often has short outgrowths, flaps, or hairs to trap pollen and may produce a sticky secretion to which the grains adhere.
The apical end of the style where pollen is deposited.