ETYM Latin.
(Irregular plural: statuses).
The relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; SYN. position.
Esteem in which he or she is held by others in society. Both within and between most occupations or social positions there is a status hierarchy. Status symbols, such as insignia of office or an expensive automobile, often accompany high status.
The two forms of social prestige may be separate or interlinked. Formal social status is attached to a certain social position, occupation, role, or office. Informal social status is based on an individual’s own personal talents, skills, or personality. Sociologists distinguish between ascribed status, which is bestowed by birth, and achieved status, the result of one’s own efforts.
The German sociologist Max Weber analyzed social stratification in terms of three separate but interlinked dimensions: class, status, and power. Status is seen as a key influence on human behavior, on the way people evaluate themselves and others.
Stav, poza.
Položaj u kojem se neko ili nešto nalazi, status.
Pravni položaj.
Stanje, pravni položaj jednog lica; sastav, prilike, položaj.
The condition at a particular time of any of numerous elements of computing—a device, a communications channel, a network station, a program, a bit, or other element—used to report on or to control computer operations.