stable fly prevod sa engleskog na srpski

stable fly | englesko - srpski prevod

stable fly


A biting dipteran fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) that resembles the common housefly and is abundant about stables.
The stable fly, also known as the dog fly, is a blood-sucking fly. Stable flies primarily attack animals for blood, but in the absence of an ani
mal will also bite humans.
An adult stable fly can fly up to 70 miles from their breeding sites. The stable fly adult is similar to the housefly in size and color. The stable fly, however, has a long bayonet-like mouthpart for sucking blood. Unlike many other fly species, both male and female stable flies suck blood.
Stable fly bites are extremely painful to both man and animal. When hungry, stable flies are quite persistent and will continue to pursue a blood meal even after being swatted several times.

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Reč dana 05.12.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, umetnost
imenica, botanika
ženski rod, botanika