springbok prevod sa engleskog na srpski

springbok | englesko - srpski prevod



ETYM Dutch springbok; springen to spring, leap + bok a he-goat, buck.
South African gazelle noted for springing lightly into the air; SYN. springbuck, Antidorcas marsupialis, Antidorcas euchore.
African antelope Antidorcas marsupialis about 80 cm/30 in at the shoulder, with head and body 1.3 m/4 ft long. It may leap 3 m/10 ft or more in the air when startled or playing, and has a fold of skin along the middle of the back which is raised to a crest in alarm. Springboks once migrated in herds of over a million, but are now found only in small numbers where protected.(S African) White-striped and -rumped S African gazelle.

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Antidorcas euchore · Antidorcas marsupialis · springbuck
Mašinski prevod reči springbok

Reč dana 05.12.2024.

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