ETYM as. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, Dutch and German ring, Old High Germ. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. and sw. ring; cf. Russ. krug. Related to Harangue, Rank a row,Rink.
(Homonym: wring).
1. A circular band of a precious metal worn on the finger; SYN. band.
2. One of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises.
3. Anything having a circular shape; SYN. halo, annulus, anulus, doughnut, anchor ring.
4. The sound of a bell ringing; SYN. ringing, tintinnabulation.
5. A characteristic sound.
Circlet, usually of precious metal, sometimes set with gems, worn on a finger as a decoration or token. The origin of the wedding ring is uncertain, but betrothal rings were bestowed in Roman times. Rings were used for money in ancient Egypt and elsewhere. Their connection with the church still survives in instances such as the English coronation.
1. Borilište posuto peskom, poprište borbe i igara u cirkusu (amfiteatru) kod Rimljana; fig. Poprište, polje borbe, rada i sl.
2. Srednji deo antičkog amfiteatra, cirkusa ili stadiona, na kome su se izvodile razne igre i borbe prilikom svečanosti.
3. Bojno polje, ratno bojište.
4. U naše vreme: filmska nagrada (zlatna arena, srebrna arena u Puli).
Obruč, kotur.
Geometrijska slika okruglog oblika.
Kotur, kolut.
Nakit za prst, ukras na prstu.
1. Prsten, kalup, alka;
2. Monopolistički savez krupnih kapitalista radi špekulacije i podmićivanja (eng.)
Naprava za zvonjenje.
A square platform marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle.
borilište, četvorougaoni prostor ograđen konopcima gde se drže borbe, naročito rvačke i bokserske.
Prostor za takmičenjeu boksu i rvanju, poprište, arena (eng.)
(Homonym: wring).
(Irregular preterit, past participle: rang, rung).
(Irregular preterit, past participle: ringed).
1. To attach a ring to.
2. To make a ringing sound; SYN. peal.
3. To make ring, as of bells etc.; SYN. knell.