condor prevod sa engleskog na srpski

condor | englesko - srpski prevod



Large bird, a New World vulture Vultur gryphus, with wingspan up to 3 m/10 ft, weight up to 13 kg/28 lb, and length up to 1.2 m/3.8 ft. It is black, with some white on the wings and a white frill at the base of the neck. It lives in the Andes and along the South American coast, and feeds on carrion. The Californian condor Gymnogyps californianus is a similar bird, on the verge of extinction.
The Californian condor lays only one egg at a time and may not breed every year. Only 89 Californian condors remained 1994, of which only four of were in the wild. It is the subject of a special conservation effort.

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muški rodptica

Najveći južnoamerički sup, lešinar, živi na Andima i u Kaliforniji. Velika ptica iz porodice američkih grifova; hrani se lešinama; pretežno živi u Južnoj i Centralnoj Americi (šp.)


muški rodptica

Reč dana 03.12.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija