ETYM Old Eng. brusche, Old Fren. broche, broce, brosse, brushwood, French brosse brush, Late Lat. brustia, bruscia, from Old High Germ. brusta, brust, bristle, German borste bristle, bürste brush. Related to Bristle, Browse.
1. A dense growth of bushes; SYN. brushwood, coppice, copse, thicket.
2. A minor short-term fight; SYN. clash, encounter, skirmish.
3. An implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle.
4. A clump of fine wires that conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor.
5. Momentary contact; SYN. light touch.
6. The act of brushing one's hair or teeth; SYN. brushing.
Alatka čistača obuće.
Alatka za nanošenje boje, farbe.
Alatka za čišćenje odeće.
Četkica za slikanje.
Mlada šuma.
Snažan udar jednog tela u drugo.
Konflikt, svađa, prepirka.
1. To clean with a brush.
2. To cover by brushing.
3. To remove with or as if with a brush.
4. To rub with a brush, or as if with a brush.
5. To sweep across or over; SYN. sweep.
6. To touch lightly and briefly.
City in Colorado (USA); zip code 80723.
A tool used in paint programs to sketch or fill in areas of a drawing with the color and pattern currently in use. Paint programs that offer a variety of brush shapes can produce brushstrokes of varying width and, in some cases, shadowing or calligraphic effects.
In certain electric motors, one of a pair of contacts that pass electric current into and out of the rotating coils by means of a device known as a commutator. The brushes, which are often replaceable, are usually made of a soft, carbon material to reduce wear of the copper contacts on the rotating commutator.