Declaration issued during World War II by the British prime minister Winston Churchill and the US president Franklin Roosevelt after meetings Aug 1941. It stressed their countries' broad strategy and war aims and was largely a propaganda exercise to demonstrate public solidarity among the Allies.
The Atlantic Charter stated that the US and the UK sought no territorial gains; desired no territorial changes not acceptable to the peoples concerned; respected the rights of all peoples to choose their own form of government; wished to see self-government restored to the occupied countries; would promote access by all states to trade and raw materials; desired international collaboration for the raising of economic standards; hoped to see a peace affording security to all nations, enabling them to cross the seas without hindrance; and proposed the disarmament of the aggressor states as a preliminary step to general disarmament.
This charter was incorporated by reference into the Declaration of the United Nations 1941.
Izjava od 14. avgusta 1941. Ruzvelta i Čerčila da SAD i V. Britanija ne žele tuđe teritorije i da svaki narod treba sam da bira oblik vladavine.