1. Strong; vigorous; robust; sinewy; muscular.
2. Large; bulky; corpulent.
3. Firm; tough; materially strong; enduring.
1. Volumineux.
2. Épais.
3. Gras. Un gros homme.
4. Important. Une grosse affaire.
5. Grossier. Un gros rire.
6. (au féminin) enceinte. Cette vache est grosse.
7. Riche ; plein. Cette question est grosse de significations.
1. Volumineux.
2. Épais.
3. Gras. Un gros homme.
4. Important. Une grosse affaire.
5. Grossier. Un gros rire.
6. (au féminin) enceinte. Cette vache est grosse.
7. Riche ; plein. Cette question est grosse de significations.
1. Vigoureux.
2. (Familier) Costaud. Un homme robuste.
3. Solide.
4. Résistant. Un tissu robuste.
(1844-1930) New Zealand politician, born in Scotland; prime minister 1884–87.
He arrived in New Zealand in 1863 and was a school teacher and lawyer before entering parliament 1875 as a member of the Radical Party. During his prime ministership he legislated that all land purchases should be made through government commissioners and supported the temperance movement.
City in Iowa (USA).
1. A garment size for a large or heavy person.
2. Strong dark heavy-bodied porter.