1. Perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
2. To behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; SYN. behave, do.
3. To discharge one's duties
4. To perform an action; SYN. move.
5. Pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
6. Be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
7. Have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected
1. (Intrans.) Produire un effet.
2. (Intrans.) Opérer. Le remède agit, l'opérateur agit.
3. (Intrans.) Se comporter. Agir en ami.
4. (Pron.) Être en question. L'affaire dont il s'agit.
1. Commenter.
2. Expliquer. Interpréter un texte, un geste.
3. Jouer. Interpréter un rôle, une sonate.
1. S'amuser. Les enfants jouent.
2. Miser. Il joue au tiercé.
3. Risquer. Il joue sa carrière.
4. Interpréter. Il joue le rôle de Cyrano.
5. Joindre mal. Ces volets jouent.
6. (Pron.) Se moquer. Il se joue de vous.
ETYM Latin actus, from agere to drive, do: cf. French acte. Related to Agent.
1. Something that people do or cause to happen; SYN. human action, human activity.
2. A manifestation of insincerity.
3. A short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program; SYN. routine, number, turn, bit.
4. A subdivision of a play or opera or ballet.
5. A legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body; SYN. enactment.
In drama, the principal division of a play, usually marking a change of location, time, or mood. Acts are subdivided into scenes. All Shakespeare's plays are printed in five acts. The majority of modern plays are divided into three acts.
1. Action.
2. Geste.
3. Épisode.
1. Acte. Passer ŕ l'action.
2. Effet. Sous l'action de.
3. Mouvement. Action revendicative.
4. Titre. Action en Bourse.
1. Événement.
2. Acte. Un fait inattendu.
3. Réalité. Les faits sont têtus.
1 Action for Children's Television
2 American College Test
3 Association of Classroom Teachers
4 Abbreviation for Australian Capital Territory.
To be suitable for theatrical performance:
To perform on a stage or theater; SYN. play, act as.