Množina: tins
1. A vessel (box, can, pan, etc.) made of tinplate and used mainly in baking
2. Metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour
3. Airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.
Množina: tins
ETYM As. tin; akin to Dutch tin, German zinn, Old High Germ. zin, Icel. and Dan. tin, Swed. tenn; of unknown origin.
Soft, silver-white, malleable and somewhat ductile, metallic element, symbol Sn (from Latin stannum), atomic number 50, atomic weight 118.69. Tin exhibits allotropy, having three forms: the familiar lustrous metallic form above 55.8şF/13.2şC; a brittle form above 321.8şF/161şC; and a gray powder form below 55.8şF/13.2şC (commonly called tin pest or tin disease). The metal is quite soft (slightly harder than lead) and can be rolled, pressed, or hammered into extremely thin sheets; it has a low melting point. In nature it occurs rarely as a free metal. It resists corrosion and is therefore used for coating and plating other metals.
Tin and copper smelted together form the oldest desired alloy, bronze; since the Bronze Age (3500 bc) that alloy has been the basis of both useful and decorative materials. The mines of Cornwall were the principal western source from then until the 19th century, when rich deposits were found in South America, Africa, and se Asia. Tin is also alloyed with metals other than copper to make solder and pewter. It was recognized as an element by Antoine Lavoisier, but the name is very old and comes from the Germanic form zinn.
A silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide; SYN. Sn, atomic number 50.
1. To cover or plate with tin or a tin alloy
2. To put up or pack in tins; can
3. Prepare (a metal) for soldering or brazing by applying a thin layer of solder to the surface