ETYM Latin solus, or Old Fren. sol, French seul (fr. Latin solus; cf. Latin sollus whole, entire. Related to Desolate, Solemn, Solo, Sullen.
(Homonym: soul).
Solitary; the only one.
Množina: soles
Flatfish found in temperate and tropical waters. The common sole Solea solea, also called Dover sole, is found in the southern seas of NW Europe. Up to 50 cm/20 in long, it is a prized food fish, as is the sand or French sole Pegusa lascaris further south.
Right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas esp. European.
Lean flesh of any of several flatfish; SYN. fillet of sole.
Množina: soles
1. The underside of the foot.
2. The underside of footwear or a golfclub.
To put a new sole on; SYN. resole.