Množina: snipes
ETYM Old Eng. snipe; akin to Dutch snep, snip, LG. sneppe, snippe, German schnepfe, Icel. snîpa (in comp.), Dan. sneppe, Swed. snäppa a sanpiper, and possibly to Eng. snap. Related to Snap, Snaffle.
Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks.
European marsh bird of the family Scolopacidae, order Charadriiformes; species include common snipe Gallinago gallinago and the rare great snipe G. media, of which the males hold spring gatherings to show their prowess. It is closely related to the woodcock.
1. To hunt or shoot snipe.
2. To hunt snipe.