Množina: routs
ETYM Old Fren. route, Late Lat. rupta, properly, a breaking, from Latin ruptus, p. p. of rumpere to break. Related to Rupture, reave, Rote repetition of forms, Route. In some senses this word has been confused with rout a bellowing, an uproar.
(Homonym: route).
A defeat in battle; SYN. discomfit, discomfiture.
(Homonym: route).
1. To cause to flee; SYN. rout out, expel.
2. To dig with the snout; SYN. root, rootle.
3. To make a groove in; SYN. gouge, groove.
4. To disorganize completely; demoralize; to put to precipitate flight; to defeat decisively or disastrously.
5. To drive out; dispel.