pepo značenje | engleski leksikon

pepo značenje | engleski leksikon



Množina: pepos


An indehiscent fleshy one-celled many-seeded berry (as a pumpkin, squash, melon, or cucumber) that has a hard rind and is the characteristic fruit of the gourd family

Još sličnih reči

P2P | P3P | pap | papa | papaw | Papio | Papp | pappy | Papua | Paw Paw | pawpaw | pay up | PEAP | pee-pee | peep | pep | peppy | peu ŕ peu | pip | Pipa | pipe | Poipu | pooh-pooh | poop | pop | POP3 | pope | poppa | poppy | pup | pupa | pupae | puppy | pupu

Reč dana 26.01.2025.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, geografija
muški rod, botanika
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