murder značenje | engleski leksikon

murder značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / mɝːdər /

Množina: murders


ETYM Old Eng. morder, morther, as. morthor, from morth murder.
Unlawful premeditated killing of a human being; SYN. homicide, slaying.
Unlawful killing of one person by another. In the us, first-degree
murder requires proof of premeditation; second-degree murder falls between first-degree murder and manslaughter.
If the killer can show provocation by the victim (action or words that would make a reasonable person lose self-control) or diminished responsibility (an abnormal state of mind caused by illness, injury, or mental subnormality), the charge may be reduced to a less serious one. See also assassination and homicide.

+ prikaži više
execution · slaying
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murder značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / mɝːdər /

To kill intentionally and with premeditation; SYN. slay, hit, dispatch, bump off, polish off, remove.

bump off · dispatch · hit · mangle · mutilate · off · polish off · remov · slay + prikaži više
Prevedi murder na:

srpski · nemački · francuski

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Reč dana 08.02.2025.

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