moxa značenje | engleski leksikon

moxa značenje | engleski leksikon



Množina: moxas


In the practice of acupuncture, compacted shredded leaves or down from mugwort burned just above the skin or to heat needles used in treatment, as a tonic or analgesic.
A soft woolly mass prepared from the ground young leaves of a Eurasian artemisia (especially Artemisia vulgaris) that is used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine typically in the form of sticks or cones which are ignited and placed on or close to the skin or used to heat acupuncture needles

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Mac OS | magus | make easy | Maquis | Max | maxi | MCSA | MCSE | Meaux | Meigs | Mexia | mikes | mix | MKS | MKSA | MMX | MOX | Moxee | moxie | mucosa | mucous | mucus | mugs | MUX | mx | myx | myxo

Reč dana 10.02.2025.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, pravo (nauka)
imenica, odevanje
muški rod, medicina