joint značenje | engleski leksikon

joint značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / dʒɔɪnt /

ETYM French, p. p. of joindre. Related to Join.
1. Affecting or involving two or more.
2. Involving both houses of a legislature.
3. United or combined.

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IPA: / dʒɔɪnt /

Množina: joints


Device by which parts or objects are joined together.

articulatio · articulation · join · junction · juncture · marijuana cigarette · reefer · roast · spliff · stick + prikaži više
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imenicasleng, dijalekt
IPA: / dʒɔɪnt /

Množina: joints


(Slang) Marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking; SYN. marijuana cigarette, reefer, stick.
(Casual) A disreputable place of entertainment.

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IPA: / dʒɔɪnt /

Množina: joints


In any animal with a skeleton, a point of movement or articulation. In vertebrates, it is the point where two bones meet. Some joints allow no motion (the sutures of the skull), others allow a very small motion (the sacroiliac joints in the lower back), but most allow a relatively free motion. Of these, some allow a gliding motion (one vertebra of the spine on another), some have a hinge action (elbow and knee), and others allow motion in all directions (hip and shoulder joints) by means of a ball-and-socket arrangement. The ends of the bones at a moving joint are covered with cartilage for greater elasticity and smoothness, and enclosed in an envelope (capsule) of tough white fibrous tissue lined with a membrane which secretes a lubricating and cushioning synovial fluid. The joint is further strengthened by ligaments. In invertebrates with an exoskeleton, the joints are places where the exoskeleton is replaced by a more flexible outer covering, the arthrodial membrane, which allows the limb (or other body part) to bend at that point.
(Anatomy) The point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton especially if the articulatio allows motion; SYN. articulation, articulatio.

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IPA: / dʒɔɪnt /

In earth science, a vertical crack in a rock, often formed by compression; it is usually several meters in length. A joint differs from a fault in that no displacement of the rocks on either side has taken place. The weathering of joints in rocks such as limestone and granite is responsible for the formation of features such as limestone pavements and tors. Joints in coastal rocks are often exploited by the sea to form erosion features such as caves and geos.

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joint značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / dʒɔɪnt /

1. To fasten with a joint.
2. To fit as if by joints.
3. To provide with a joint, as of two pieces of wood; SYN. articulate.

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Reč dana 18.09.2024.

imenica, mineral
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