howl značenje | engleski leksikon

howl značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / haʊl /

Množina: howls


1. A long loud emotional utterance; SYN. howling, ululation.
2. A loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound.
3. The long plaintive cry of a hound or a wolf.

howling · ululation
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Howl značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / haʊl /

Množina: Howls


Poem 1956 by us poet Allen Ginsberg. Written in long, chanting cadences, the poem protests against modern American materialism and conformism. It caused an immediate sensation on its first public reading in San Francisco 1955 and became a powerful call to the emerging Beat Generation.

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srpski · francuski

howl značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / haʊl /

1. To cry loudly, as of animals; SYN. wrawl, yammer, yowl.
2. To emit long loud cries; SYN. ululate, wail, roar, yawl.
Poem 1
956 by US poet Allen Ginsberg. Written in long, chanting cadences, the poem protests against modern American materialism and conformism. It caused an immediate sensation on its first public reading in San Francisco 1955 and became a powerful call to the emerging Beat Generation.

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roar · ululate · wail · wrawl · yammer · yaup · yawl · yowl + prikaži više
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