hippie značenje | engleski leksikon

hippie značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / hɪpi /

Množina: hippies


Someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle; SYN. hippy, flower child.
Member of a youth movement of the late 1960s, also known as flower power, which originated in San
Francisco, California, and was characterized by nonviolent anarchy, concern for the environment, and rejection of Western materialism. The hippies formed a politically outspoken, antiwar, artistically prolific counterculture in North America and Europe. Their colorful psychedelic style, inspired by drugs such as LSD, emerged in fashion, graphic art, and music by bands such as Love (1965–71), the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane (1965–74), and Pink Floyd.

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Reč dana 13.09.2024.

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