fir značenje | engleski leksikon

fir značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / fɝː /

Množina: firs


ETYM Dan. fyr, fyrr; akin to Swed. furu, Icel. fura, AS. furh in furhwudu fir wood, German föhre, Old High Germ. forha pine, vereheih a sort of oak, Latin quercus oak.
Any conifer of the
genus Abies in the pine family Pinaceae. The true firs include the balsam fir of N North America and the Eurasian silver fir A. alba. Douglas firs of the genus Pseudotsuga are native to W North America and the Far East.(Homonym: fur).
1. Any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas; SYN. fir tree, true fir.
2. Nonresinous wood of a fir tree.

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fir tree · true fir
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f.o.r | faery | Fahr | fair | Fairey | fairy | far | fare | faro | farrow | Fauré | fear | feirie | fere | feria | ferri | Ferro | ferry | fiera | fiery | fire | for | foray | fore | Fore! | four | fr | Fra | frae | Frau | fray | free | Frei | Frey | Fri | fro | froe | frow | frwy | fry | fuero | fur | furrow | furry

Reč dana 12.10.2024.

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