fictile značenje | engleski leksikon

fictile značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / fɪktl /

ETYM Latin fictilis. Related to Fiction.
1. Capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material);
SYN. moldable, plastic.
2. Of or relating to the craft of pottery.
3. Susceptible to being led or directed; SYN. pliable.
4. Capable of being moulded; of or relating to pottery.
5. Pertaining to pottery; molded; able to be molded into shape or new shape.

+ prikaži više
craft · elastic · moldable · plastic · pliable · susceptible · trade + prikaži više

Još sličnih reči

factual | factually

Reč dana 14.02.2025.

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