fellow značenje | engleski leksikon

fellow značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / feloʊ /

Being associated as a companion or associate; SYN. brother, sister.

fellow značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / feloʊ /

Množina: fellows


ETYM Old Eng. felawe, felaghe, Icel. fęlagi, from fęlag companionship, prop., a laying together of property; fę property + lag a laying, pl. lög law, akin to liggja to lie. Related to Fee, and Law, Lie to be low.
1. A companion; a comrade; an associate; a partner; a sharer.
2. A man without good breeding or worth.
3. An equal in power, rank, character, etc.
4. A person; an individual.
6. In certain universities, a scholar who is appointed to a foundation called a fellowship, which gives a title to certain perquisites and privileges.
8. A member of a literary or scientific society.

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