(1945-) US film and television actress. Popular since the late 1960s, she was associated with the director Woody Allen, both on and off screen, 1982–92. She starred in his films Zelig 1983, Hannah and Her Sisters 1986, and Crimes and Misdemeanors 1990, as well as in Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby 1968. In 1992 she split acrimoniously from Allen.
Množina: farrows
ETYM AS. fearh a little pig; a akin to Old High Germ. farh, farah, pig, dim. farheli little pig, German fercel, Dutch varken pig, Lith. parszas OIr. orc, Latin porcus, Greek porkos. Related to Pork.
(Homonym: pharaoh).
The production of a litter of pigs; SYN. farrowing.
Act of giving birth to pigs; litter.
To birthe; of sows; SYN. pig.
To give birth to piglets.