Not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article; SYN. false, faux, imitation, simulated.
Množina: fakes
ETYM Cf. Scot. faik fold, stratum of stone, AS. faec space, interval, German fach compartment, partition, row, and Eng. fay to fit.
Something false; not what it seems to be; SYN. sham, postiche.
To deceive (an opponent) in a sports contest by means of a fake.
ETYM Cf. Gael. faigh to get, acquire, reach, or OD. facken to catch or gripe.
1. To cheat; to swindle; to steal; to rob.
2. To make a feint; to make an evasive maneuver.
3. To manipulate fraudulently or falsify, so as to make an object appear better or other than it really is.