A set of German standards recognized throughout the world. The 1/8 DIN standard for panel meters specifies an outer bezel dimension of 96 x 48 mm and a panel cutout of 92 x 45 mm.
(abbreviation for Deutsches Institut für Normung) German national standards body, which has set internationally accepted standards for (among other things) paper sizes and electrical connectors.
Množina: dins
ETYM AS. dyne, dyn; akin to Icel. dynr, and to AS. dynian to resound, Icel. dynja to pour down like hail or rain; cf. Skr. dhuni roaring, a torrent, dhvan to sound. Related to Dun to ask payment.
Loud, confused, harsh noise; a loud, continuous, rattling or clanging sound; clamor; roar.
To instill (into a person) by constant repetition.