coca značenje | engleski leksikon

coca značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / koʊkə /

Množina: cocas


ETYM Spanish, from native name.
South American shrub Erythroxylon coca of the coca family Erythroxylaceae, whos
e dried leaves are the source of cocaine.
It was used as a holy drug by the Andean Indians.
Dried leaves of the coca plant (and related plants that also contain cocaine); chewed by Andean people for their simulating effect.

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Coca · Erythroxylon coca · Imogene Coca · coca plant
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cac | caca | cacao | cack | cacky | caco | CaCo2 | caďque | CAG | cake | Cao Cao | Cauca | cawk | CC | cca | CCU | ccw | cg | CGA | cock | cocky | Coco | Cocoa | cog | coggie | cogue | Coigue | Coke | cokey | cook | Cooke | cookee | cookey | cookie | cooky | coque | Coquí | CQ | cuck | cuckoo | cucuy | cueca | cuke

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
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imenica, geografija
ženski rod, botanika