Množina: bodies
ETYM Old Eng. bodi, as. bodig; akin to Old High Germ. botah. Related to Bodice.
1. The entire physical structure of an organism (especially an animal or human being); SYN. organic structure, physical structure.
2. Corpse of a dead animal or person; SYN. dead body.
3. A group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity.
4. A collection of particulars considered as a system.
5. The central message of a communication.
6. An individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects.
Množina: bodies
The external structure of a vehicle
Množina: bodies
1. In e-mail and Internet newsgroups, the content of a message. The body of a message follows the header, which contains information about the sender, origin, and destination of the message. See also header (definition 1).
2. In HTML, SGML, and XML, a section of a document that contains the content of the document, along with tags describing characteristics of the content—for example, format. 3. A segment of a data packet containing the actual data.
To invest with or as with a body; SYN. personify.