Taipei značenje | engleski leksikon

Taipei značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / taɪpe /

The capital of Nationalist China; located in northern Taiwan; Also called: capital of Nationalist China.
Or Tai
bei; Capital and commercial center of Taiwan; Industries include electronics, plastics, textiles, and machinery. The National Palace Museum 1965 houses the world's greatest collection of Chinese art, brought here from the mainland 1948.

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Taipeh · Taipei · capital of Taiwan

Još sličnih reči

taipo | Taopi | tap | tapa | tape | Tapi | taupe | Taupo | tawpie | teapoy | tee up | teepee | tepee | TEPP | tie up | tie-up | tip | tipi | tippy | tipu | top | tope | topee | topi | toupee | TP | TPA | TPI | tup | Tupaia | Tupi | twp | type | type A | typey | typo

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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