Sikkim značenje | engleski leksikon

Sikkim značenje | engleski leksikon



Or Denjong.
State of ne India; formerly a protected state, it was absorbed by India 1975, the monarchy being abolished. China does not recognize India's sovereignty
Area 7,300 sq km/2,818 sq mi
Capital Gangtok
Features Mount Kan
gchenjunga; wildlife including birds, butterflies, and orchids
Industries rice, grain, tea, fruit, soy beans, carpets, cigarettes, lead, zinc, copper
Population (1991) 403,600
Language Bhutia, Lepecha, Khaskura (Nepali)— all official
Religion Mahayana Buddhism, Hinduism
History ruled by the Namgyol dynasty from the 14th century to 1975, when the last chogyal, or king, was deposed. Allied to Britain 1886, Sikkim became a protectorate of India 1950 and a state of India 1975.

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