(c. 4 BC-65 AD) Roman stoic playwright, author of essays and nine tragedies. He was tutor to the future emperor Nero but lost favor after Nero's accession to the throne and was ordered to commit suicide. His tragedies were accepted as classical models by 16th-century dramatists.
1. A member of the Iroquoian people formerly living in New York state south of Lake Ontario.
2. The Iroquoian language spoken by the Seneca people.
3. City in Kansas (USA).
4. City in Missouri (USA); zip code 64865.
5. City in Oregon (USA); zip code 97873.
6. Town in South Carolina (USA); zip code 29678.
7. Town in South Dakota (USA); zip code 57473.
8. Unincorporated community in Pennsylvania (USA).
9. Village in Illinois (USA); zip code 61360.
10. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 69161.