P2P značenje | engleski leksikon

P2P značenje | engleski leksikon



An Internet-based networking option in which two or more computers connect directly to each other to communicate and share files without use of a central server. Interest in P2P networking blossomed with the introduction of Napster and Gnutella. See also peer-to-peer architecture, peer-to-peer ­communications. Short for Peer-to-Peer.

Još sličnih reči

P3P | pap | papa | papaw | Papio | Papp | pappy | Papua | Paw Paw | pawpaw | pay up | PEAP | pee-pee | peep | pep | pepo | peppy | peu ŕ peu | pip | Pipa | pipe | Poipu | pooh-pooh | poop | pop | POP3 | pope | poppa | poppy | pup | pupa | pupae | puppy | pupu

Reč dana 14.10.2024.

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muški rod, geografija
imenica, životinja
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