Leyte značenje | engleski leksikon

Leyte značenje | engleski leksikon



Island Philippines in the Visayans W of Leyte Gulf (inlet of the Pacific); chief town Tacloban area 2785 square miles (7241 square kilometers)
A battle in World War ii; the return of us troops to the Philippines began with landings on Leyte Island in October 1944; first use of Kamikaze aircraft by the Japanese; Also called: Leyte Island, Leyte invasion.

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Leyte · Leyte Island · Leyte invasion

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La Due | lad | Ladd | laddie | lade | Ladue | lady | Lahti | laid | laity | lat | latah | late | Latta | latte | Latty | laud | Lauda | Laudo | Lawtey | lay day | lay out | lay to | ld | LD50 | LDH | lead | lead I | lead II | lead III | leady | LED | Leda | Ledo | Leedey | Leoti | let | Leto | Lett | lewd | LHD | Lhôte | lid | lidia | lido | lie to | lied | lieut | lit | lite | LLD | Lloyd | LLud | Lludd | load | Lod | Loda | lode | Lodi | Lody | loot | lot | lota | lotah | loti | Lott | lotte | lotto | loud | lout | lt | Lü-ta | Lüda | ludo | LUID | lute | luteo | Lydia

Reč dana 07.09.2024.

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