Lauda značenje | engleski leksikon

Lauda značenje | engleski leksikon


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(1949-) Austrian automobile racing driver who won the Formula One World Championship in 1975, 1977 and 1984. He was also runner-up in 1976 just six weeks after having a serious accident at Nurburgring, Germany.
Lauda was Formula Two champion in 1972, and drove
for March, BRM, Ferrari, and Brabham before his retirement in 1978. He returned to the sport in 1984 and won his third world title in a McLaren before eventually retiring in 1985 to concentrate on his airline business, Lauda-Air. He now also acts as an advisor to the Ferrari team.
world champion
1975 Ferrari
1977 Ferrari
1984 McLaren
Formula One Grands Prix: 171
wins: 25
first Grand Prix: 1974 Spanish (Ferrari)
last Grand Prix: 1985 Dutch (McLaren)

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La Due | lad | Ladd | laddie | lade | Ladue | lady | Lahti | laid | laity | lat | latah | late | Latta | latte | Latty | laud | Laudo | Lawtey | lay day | lay out | lay to | ld | LD50 | LDH | lead | lead I | lead II | lead III | leady | LED | Leda | Ledo | Leedey | Leoti | let | Leto | Lett | lewd | Leyte | LHD | Lhôte | lid | lidia | lido | lie to | lied | lieut | lit | lite | LLD | Lloyd | LLud | Lludd | load | Lod | Loda | lode | Lodi | Lody | loot | lot | lota | lotah | loti | Lott | lotte | lotto | loud | lout | lt | Lü-ta | Lüda | ludo | LUID | lute | luteo | Lydia

Reč dana 07.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, mineral
imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja