HAL značenje | engleski leksikon

HAL značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / hæl /

Množina: HALs


1. See hardware abstraction layer.
2. In the 1968 book and movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” by novelist Arthur C. Cla
rke, the intelligent but eventually psychotic computer, HAL 9000, that takes over a spaceship bound for Jupiter. The name HAL is an acronym for Heuristic/ALgorithmic computer, but the letters H-A-L are also one letter removed from I-B-M in the alphabet.

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hail | Hail! | Hailey | hale | Haley | hall | hallah | Halle | Halley | hallo | Hallo! | halloo | hallow | halo | haole | haul | Hauula | Hawley | he'll | heal | Healy | heel | HEL | heli | helio | Hell | Helle | hello | Hello! | helo | Hialeah | hill | hilly | Hilo | hole | holey | Holley | hollo | Hollo! | hollow | holly | holo | holy | howl | hoyle | Huila | hula | hule | hull

Reč dana 03.12.2024.

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