DS značenje | engleski leksikon

DS značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / diːz /

Acronym for Digital Services or Digital Signal, a category used in referencing the speed, number of channels, and transmission characteristics of T1, T2, T3, and T4 communications lines. The basic DS unit, or level, is known as DS-0, which corresponds to the 64 Kbps speed of a single T1 channel. Higher levels are made up of multiple DS-0 levels. DS-1 represents a single T1 line that transmits at 1.544 Mbps. For higher rates, T1 lines are multiplexed to create DS-2 (a T2 line consisting of four T1 channels that transmits at 6.312 Mbps), DS-3 (a T3 line consisting of 28 T1 channels that transmits at 44.736 Mbps), and DS-4 (a T4 line consisting of 168 T1 channels that transmits at 274.176 Mbps).

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D.S značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / diːz /

In music, abbreviation for dal segno (Italian “from the sign’).

Još sličnih reči

3DES | D.S | dace | dais | daisy | DAS | dassie | daws | days | Dazai | daze | Dazey | dazy | DCE | DDoS | DDS | deas | deci | deice | DES | Desai | Dessau | deuce | Dez | DHSS | Dias | Diaz | diazo | dice | dicey | dies | Diez | dioecy | dis | disa | diss | diz | dizz | dizzy | does | Doisy | doozie | doozy | dos | dose | doss | douce | douse | Dows | dowse | doz | doze | dozy | DSA | DSO | DSS | DSU | DSW | Duce | dues | Duse | Dyce | dys | dz

Reč dana 03.12.2024.

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